It was yesterday, Monday October twenty ninth two thousand and twelve. The streets were as quiet as the country side because a hurricane was coming. The
hurricane's name was Sandy or Frankenstorm. it didn't really feel like anything because I was inside all day long and if you ask "Did your
building crash?"It would be a no but others did. Also don't ask "What
did it look like?" because it is very simple,It was very rainy,stormy
and very windy. The
trees swayed like a kid on a swing. The day went by
and the hurricane didn't end. I thought it would go on for the rest of
my life. At night the news said that Battery Park City was flooded but
not only Battery Park City but other places or cities. You know how
electricity can turn off during a hurricane but the lights in my house
didn't go off until eight o'clock. It was time to go to bed and I fell
asleep and dreamed about the next hurricane.